
1.1. General Warranty. Unless otherwise stated, UniColorado will provide a one (1) year quality installation warranty on its labor, quality of workmanship and installation methods, and all materials supplied by UniColorado, effective for 365 calendar days following the completion of the equipment installation or replacement service. For repair services, UniColorado extends a warranty period of ninety (90) days, subject to its sole discretion, exclusively covering the labor involved in repairs. This warranty is conditional upon the manifestation of defects in the repaired part or the recurrence of the issue to its pre-repair state within the said warranty period.

1.2. Equipment Warranty. The one (1) year warranty ensures that the installed units operate within the manufacturer specifications and are functional as intended. The warranty includes full labor coverage for any repairs or replacements needed subject to the exclusions set forth in Section 1.4. units are defined solely at the discretion of UniColorado as units that repeatedly fail despite repair attempts. These units are covered for replacement under this warranty. Any repairs or modifications to the installed units performed by a third party will void this warranty.

1.3. Limitations. This warranty is non-transferable, non-renewable, and is only applicable to residential customers.

1.4. Exclusions. The following are exclusions to and expressly not covered under the warranty:

  • Consumables such as filters or humidifier pads
  • Thermostats
  • End-user error, including improper use or settings
  • manipulation
  • Damage or loss due to acts of nature, freezing flooding,
  • fire, or other uncontrollable events
  • Damage caused by pests or rodents
  • Electrical issues not related to the installation
  • Issues arising from modifications or repairs done by
  • third parties
  • Previous or existing home defects not related to the
  • services performed by UniColorado
  • Customer supplied materials or parts
  • Damages or losses caused by vandalism, theft, lack of
  • care, cleaning or maintenance, negligence or abuse or
  • any other circumstances reasonably outside of the
  • control of UniColorado
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